Wind mitigation quick facts:
- Can reduce your insurance premium
- Costs $75 – $100 (Nassau County – Fernandina, Amelia, Yulee, Callahan, Hilliard)
- Details the roof features that reduce damage from hurricanes
- 360 Inspections uses the latest, official OIR-B1-1802 form
- Report emailed instantly – with customer signature
- Easy to get! Text me to request an appointment.
A “Wind Mit” report can save money on your home insurance if your roof is newer than 1999, and your house was built before 2002.
If you live in North Florida and haven’t had a Wind Mitigation inspection performed on your home, you are probably paying more for your home insurance than you have to!
If your home was built before 2002, and you have had a new roof installed after 2002, you definitely need a wind mitigation inspection! Even some newer houses can benefit from a Wind Mitigation Inspection Report.
360 Wind Mitigation inspections uses the Florida State issued Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form ( OIR-B1-1802 ) which is accepted by all insurance companies.
A wind mitigation inspection costs $75 for Fernandina / Amelia Island / Yulee. For Jacksonville, Callahan or Hilliard a wind mitigation inspection costs $100.
Book a wind mitigation, or text me your name, email address and house address and we’ll get you on the schedule.
In this article we cover:
- What is a wind mitigation inspection?
- Who can do a wind mitigation inspection and how is it done?
- How much will you save?
- And how much does it cost?
What is a Wind Mitigation Inspection?
A wind mitigation inspection checks your roof for hurricane resistant construction features. These features lower the chance of your roof sustaining expensive damage in the event of a wind storm or hurricane.
These wind mitigation features were mostly developed from Dade county / Miami which is called the HVHZ (High Velocity Hurricane Zone).
The Dade county area is more frequently hit by high winds and hurricanes than North East Florida and their building codes require rated wind resistant materials and construction techniques. Not all of these features are required in Duval and Nassau county. However, many homes in Nassau and Duval have features that qualify them for discounts on home insurance.
Typical features included in a wind mitigation inspection that might reduce your home insurance are:
- Thickness of roof sheathing (7/16″ or thicker)
- Type of roof installed. Shingles installed after 2002 have better ratings than older shingles
- Nail spacing. The distance between the nails that hold the roof sheathing to the roof framing determines how much wind load a roof can handle before being damaged.
- Size and type of nails used to secure roof sheathing to the roof framing. 8d nails every 6 inches are required on roofs constructed, or re-shingled after 2002.
- Type of clips or straps used to secure roof framing to the house framing
- Geometry of the roof. Hip roofs have lower wind resistance than gable roofs, so if you have a hip roof, you can get a sometimes significant discount on your home insurance.
Who does it and how is a Wind Mitigation Inspection done?
A Wind Mitigation inspection can be performed by a Florida licensed Home Inspector, general contractor or engineer.
The inspection is done by visiting your home and inspecting your home for the wind mitigation features listed above.
The inspection takes about 15 minutes on-site and I will need access to your attic / roof space.
It is unusual for homes in Jacksonville and Fernandina to have hurricane rated doors and windows, so the inspection usually focuses on the roof features. If you have impact rated ‘openings’, I will add them to the report
When I have the report information, I email it as a PDF attachment that you can send to your agent immediately.
How much does a Wind Mitigation Cost?
While the Wind Mitigation form is standardized for the state of Florida, there is no standardized pricing on home inspectors doing wind mitigation reports. I charge $75 for a wind mitigation inspection in Fernandina Beach / Yulee. $100 for Jacksonville / Callahan / Hilliard Wind Mitigation.
Call 360 Inspections at 904-321-9121, Text me or email me
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